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TIBCO’s COVID-19 Visual Analysis Hub: Under the Hood

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Originally published in the TIBCO Community Blog, by Adam Faskowitz

TIBCO Spotfire is a unique platform that combines advanced visualization and data science techniques. The culmination of its capabilities can be demonstrated in TIBCO’s COVID-19 Visual Analysis Hub. Allowing complex algorithms to run in the background, the application boasts a simple, interactive interface that lets any type of user learn more about the current state of the pandemic. In this blog, we will take a deeper look at the inner workings of the dashboard and explore some of Spotfire’s special functionality, as well as some technical and statistical innovations.

This high-level blog is split into three sections: Data Science Functions, Data Visualization Methods, and Data Engineering (coming soon). Within each section, there will be subsections where you can learn more about specific tools & methods that we used. In addition, some of these subsections will contain links to more detailed blogs—allowing you to read content tailored to your interests.

Feel free to have a look at our Visual Analysis Hub to get a better idea of the work that went behind building it.

Details on Hub’s Data Science Functions

There is much uncertainty about the current state of the pandemic. Recent outbreaks across the world prove that it is hard to pinpoint and contain the coronavirus. Here at TIBCO, our recent work has been focused on trying to make tangible estimates about the actual trends in the data, while also facing the reality that there is only so much that we can be certain about.

One road towards understanding the coronavirus is trying to fit the epidemic curve of the data. 

Due to its nature, the case and death data that we observe can be sporadic, confusing, and can take on many different shapes. For creating fit lines, we have adopted two different methodologies: Friedman’s Supersmoother and GAMLSS, a modified version of generalized linear models. This work is done to create the lines seen above, which you can interpret as a summarization of how the data has evolved over time.

Friedman’s Supersmoother:

A large, persistent issue that we continue to face with case growth analysis is the flood of bad/missing data as well as misreported or non-reported data. Some regions have had weird spikes, some have had thousands of cases reported the day after 0 cases were reported (misreporting), etc. In order to overcome these mishaps, we need to use methods that focus on the overall trend of the data and do their best to ignore the noise. As such, we have experimented with different smoothing methods including moving averages and LOESS, but eventually settled on Friedman’s Supersmoother due to its ability to overcome outliers and its lack of hyperparameter tuning. Our implementation of the method used the ‘supsmu’ function found in R’s stats package. Below is a snippet of our code:

Snippet of R Code for Supersmoothing in the COVID-19 Application

In more technical detail, the Supsmu function is a running line smoother that chooses a variable k such that there are k/2 data points on each side of the predicted point. k can be any number between (0.01)*n and n, where n is the number of total data points. If the span itself is specified, the function implements a single smoother with (inputted span)*n used as the span (Friedman, 1984). We run this method for each set of dates in each region using data.table in R and then append the results back into the original data with each region’s corresponding smooth values.

Friedman’s Supersmoother helps to give a relatively noise-free smooth curve that can model the case growth well across regions and differently shaped data. Additionally, we have noticed that the method has adapted well over time. Since surpassing ~six months of data, the input size that is fed into the supersmoother has become quite sufficient and therefore has created increasingly accurate fit curves. 


The other method we have explored is GAMLSS, Generalized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape. This method is valuable and has become one of our favorites because it includes a notion of uncertainty when fitting models on data. Rather than making concrete estimates/predictions about the data, the GAMLSS method provides a range of possible outcomes at any given point in time. You are not just looking at one line that assumes the true shape of the data, but instead you can look and explore multiple estimates of what the trends might look like. For more detailed information about GAMLSS and our processes, we have written a whole blog on the subject, so please check it out!

Another important question that many people want to understand is how COVID-19 trends are going to look like in the near future. To try and answer that question, we experimented with some common and uncommon methods for predicting the amount of coronavirus cases in the next week. An interesting challenge that emerged was the process of choosing an approach for dealing with inconsistent reporting and outliers when modeling. We discovered that some lesser known modeling techniques can prove to be advantageous under certain conditions. You can read the results of our analysis here.

GAMLSS Model Evaluated on California (10/28)

In our Live Report, we use GAMLSS through data functions in Spotfire as a way to fit epidemic curves and make predictions over the next week based on the current trends. Above is an example of running GAMLSS on parts of the San Francisco Bay Area. By choosing counties in the left panel, the coronavirus case data associated with these regions is sent as an input into a data function that creates and runs the models. Inside that data function, we are simply running code written in R that will output three epidemic curves fit to the input data (one for the 10th, 50th, and 90th percentile of the GAMLSS model–the ‘range’ of outcomes). These output lines are then overlaid with the case data on the bottom right panel of our page. Easily configured with visualizations, the data function is capable of running its complex scripts over an interactive user interface. This page can be accessed from the home page by clicking on the “View Forecasts” button. To learn more about how you can integrate R and Python functions with Spotfire, check out our community.

The integration of data science functions in TIBCO’s COVID application demonstrates Spotfire’s ability to coincide statistical analysis with a visual framework. Next, we will take a look at the data visualization techniques used in our dashboard.

Details on Hub’s Visual Functions

Business Reopenings:

Keeping in mind that each country, and each province within each country, might have different rules and regulations regarding reopening, businesses need a view of all essential metrics that can help them understand the current situation in their region—subsequently assisting them to plan a reopening according to local rules and regulations. To help supplement this decision-making, we created a ‘Business Reopening’ page on our application that provides a one-stop look at all the essential metrics. Through interactive buttons, sliders, and maps, users can evaluate how the pandemic is progressing in their region.

Above is a look at our ‘Business Reopening’ page. This page includes deep drills into unemployment rates, case growth, and mobility—all from different verified sources. In its many interactive features, there is the capability to switch abstraction levels from a geographical perspective, filter results by circling areas on the map, and adjust a slider to look at the analysis at different points in time. Under the hood, when these interactive elements are invoked, the command is sent to a Spotfire data function, which recomputes the analysis and sends the results back to the now updated visualizations.

Here are some examples of different county level metrics we have in the page. All of these can be drilled down into a specific state or at the national level and have detailed views for both:

Reproduction estimates at the County Level

Workplace Mobility in different counties in the State of Virginia

Natural-Language Generation (NLG):

To make the COVID-19 Hub more accessible and understandable for any type of user, we utilize Arria’s NLG (natural-language generation) tools across our application. NLG augments the analysis by building a narrative that is not just charts and graphs, but instead generates detailed insight into what is happening through language. 

By gathering information from the data, the NLG tool is able to produce sentences that summarize the data, and do so without making the text sound like it came from a robot. In an excerpt from TIBCO’s website, Arria NLG is described, “Through algorithms and modeling, Arria software replicates the human process of expertly analyzing and communicating data insights—dynamically turning data into written or spoken narrative—at machine speed and massive scale.” The NLG tool is available as a visualization type within Spotfire.

Newspaper style:

The COVID-19 Application uses what is called a Newspaper style layout for visualization within Spotfire. This layout helps in overcoming limitations that can come from a fixed length layout. For example, if a page of an application is non-scrollable, it doesn’t allow you to add as many charts and visualizations as you might want. Instead, you are limited to charts that would be visible to the naked eye and that could fit into the size of a page. The Newspaper style format in Spotfire benefits in making it possible to add as many visualizations as you want and present a logical flow of information that can enrich your insights.

You can easily configure Spotfire’s Page Layout options to extend the page length to make your dashboard newspaper style and take advantage of all the real estate that you can get. This is done by right-clicking on the page navigation bar and configuring the Page Layout to your desire (video tutorial). Here is a quick GIF of how we use newspaper style formats in the COVID-19 Application:

Summary and Future Work

There are many dimensions needed to understand an issue as complex as the coronavirus pandemic. From analyzing hospitalization data to visualizing epidemic curves, TIBCO’s Visual Analysis Hub converges data science, data visualization, and data engineering in one central application. Utilizing Spotfire, these disciplines are used in harmony to deliver insights about the state of the pandemic to just about any type of user. We hope that you were able to learn a bit more about the statistical and technical work that went into our Visual Analysis Hub.

This blog will serve as the central location for any more blogs/updates regarding the development of our COVID dashboard, so be sure to come back and read more about the work that we have done! 

Here, again, are the links to the topic-focused blogs:

Estimating COVID-19 Trends using GAMLSS

Nearcasting: Comparison of COVID-19 Projection Methods

Acknowledgments & References:

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the COVID Visual Analytics Hub and, in particular, a shout out to David Katz, Prem Shah, Neil Kanungo, Zongyuan Chen, Michael O’Connell, and Steven Hillion for their contributions towards creating these blogs and analyses. 



Wikipedia. Local regression

Friedman, J. H. A variable span scatterplot smoother. 1984.

R Consortium Providing Financial Support to COVID-19 Data Hub Platform

By Blog

The R Consortium’s COVID-19 Working Group is providing a new home for the COVID-19 Data Hub Project. The goal of the COVID-19 Data Hub is to provide the worldwide research community with a unified dataset by collecting worldwide fine-grained case data, merged with external variables helpful for a better understanding of COVID-19.

An initial award of $5,000 will be used to pay storage and maintenance fees for the growing number of international COVID-19 case level data sets. Additionally, the R Consortium will be assuming responsibility for organizing R Community efforts to maintain and develop the site.

When asked about the importance of the project, R Consortium Director Joseph Rickert replied, “I am very pleased that the R Consortium is in a position to make a practical contribution to combating the pandemic. Although, we all hope that the new vaccines will bring the world to some semblance of normality next year, it is likely that the virus will be with us for some time and the need to collect and curate data will continue.”

Created last April by Emanuele Guidotti, doctoral assistant at the Institute for Financial Analysis at the University of Neuchatel, in collaboration with David Ardia, professor at HEC Montreal, the COVID-19 Data Hub Platform is a critical tool for accessing data related to the virus, and looks to establish cooperation and participation with the scientific community around the world. Professors Eric Suess and Ayona Chatterjee of the Department of Statistics and Biostatistics at the California State University East Bay will be joining this effort.

To date, the data has been downloaded 3 million times.

From the full article:

“Working for a research project on COVID-19, I realized the difficulty of accessing data related to the virus,” said Guidotti. The source is heterogeneous: depending on the country, information is disclosed in different languages ​​and formats. To unify them, Guidotti developed the very first prototype of the COVID-19 Data Hub platform in the spring. “This work was originally part of a research paper that was subsequently published in Springer Natureand featured on the Joint Research Center website,” he said. Thanks to the collaboration of David Ardia, the platform received financial support from the Canadian Institute for the Valorization of Data IVADO and HEC Montréal.

To participate in the COVID19 Data Hub Platform:

Original article (in French):

Join Us Dec 10 at the COVID-19 Data Forum: Using Mobility Data To Forecast COVID-19 Cases

By Blog

Thurs, December 10th, 9am PDT/12pm EDT/18:00 CEST – Register now!

Hosted by the COVID-19 Data Forum/Stanford Data Science Initiative/R Consortium

Join the R Consortium and learn about mobility data in monitoring and forecasting COVID-19. COVID-19 is the first global pandemic to occur in the age of big data. All around the world, public health officials are testing and releasing data to the public, giving ample cases for scientists to analyze and forecast in real-time.

Despite having so much data available, the data itself has been limited by simplistic metrics rather than higher dimensional patient-level data. To understand how COVID-19 works within the body and is transmitted, scientists must understand why the virus causes harm to some more than others.

Sharing this type of data brings up patient confidentiality issues, making it difficult to get this type of vital data.

The COVID-19 Data Forum, a collaboration between Stanford University and the R Consortium, will discuss the ways in which people’s mobility data holds promises and challenges in combating the spread of SARS-CoV-2, as well as how the public has behaved in response to the pandemic. This data is vital in understanding the way individual’s patterns have shifted since the pandemic, helping us to better understand where people are going and when they are getting sick. 

The event is free and open to the public.

Speakers include:

  • Chris Volinksky, PhD Associate vice-president, Big Data Research, ATT Labs.
  • Caroline Buckee Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Associate Director of the Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
  • Christophe Fraser Professor of Pathogen Dynamics at University of Oxford and Senior Group Leader at Big Data Institute, Oxford University, UK.
  • Andrew Schoeder, PhD Vice-president Research & Analytics for Direct Relief.

Registration and more info:

Register now! Brazilian Conference on Data Journalism and Digital Methods – Coda.Br 2020

By Blog

This November 2nd-7th, 2020, the 5th edition of the Brazilian Conference on Data Journalism and Digital Methods (Coda.Br) will be taking place with 50 national and international guest speakers and 16 workshops. Coda.Br is the largest data journalism conference in Latin America and this year will be completely online.

Organized by Open Knowledge Brasil and Escola de Dados (School of Data Brazil), Coda.Br boasts the support of multiple large scale associations including the Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji), R Consortium, Hivos Institute, Embassy of the Netherlands and the United States Consulate. 

For 2020, the conference will be offering main panels, keynote presentations, lightning talks, and a ceremony to announce the winners of Cláudio Weber Abramo Data Journalism Award. Coda.Br and its partners will also be offering 150 free yearly subscriptions to the School of Data Brazil membership program, granting free access to all event activities.

Tickets will be available for R$180 (1 year subscription to Escola de Dados membership, which allows access to workshops and the event chat, among other benefits) and R$40 (workshops only). This translates approximately to USD$32 and $7, respectively.

For more information and to register, please visit the Coda.Br website.

R/Pharma October 2020

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The R/Pharma virtual conference this year was held October 13-15th, 2020. R/Pharma focuses on the use of R in the development of pharmaceuticals, covering topics from reproducible research to drug discovery to genomics and beyond.

Over 1,000 people signed up for the 3 day, free event this year!

Designed to be a smaller conference with maximum interaction opportunities, R/Pharma was a free event that allowed keynote speakers in the R world to present their research and findings in ways that allowed for maximum viewer participation.

All presentations are given in ways that showcase using R as a primary tool within the development process for pharmaceuticals.

If you are interested in seeing some of the exciting work showcased at R/Pharma from the R Validation Hub, you can do so below. The R Validation Hub is a cross-industry initiative meant to enable use of R by the bio-pharmaceutical industry in a regulated setting. The presentations Implementing A Risk-based Approach to R Validation by Andy Nicholls and useR! 2020: A Risk-based Assessment for R Package Accuracy by Andy Nicholls and Juliane Manitz are available for viewing. Learn about risk assessment and assessing package accuracy with the R Validation Hub team! 

September 2020 ISC Call for Proposals – Now Open!

By Announcement, Blog

The deadline for submitting proposals is midnight, October 1st, 2020.

The September 2020 ISC Call for Proposals is now open. The R Consortium’s Infrastructure Steering Committee (ISC) solicits progressive, pioneering projects that will benefit and serve the R community and ecosystem at large. The ISC’s goal is to foster innovation and help bring your ideas into tangible realities. 

Although there is no set theme for this round of proposals, grant proposals should be focused in scope. If you are currently working on a larger project, consider breaking it into smaller, more manageable subprojects for a given proposal. The ISC encourages you to “Think Big” but create reasonable milestones. The ISC favors grant proposals with meaningful detailed milestones and justifiable grant requests, so please include measurable objectives attached to project milestones, a team roster, and a detailed projection of how grant money would be allocated. Teams with detailed plans and that can point to previous successful projects are most likely to be selected.

To submit a proposal for ISC funding, read the Call for Proposals page and submit a self-contained pdf using the online form.

From R Hub – JavaScript for the R package developer

By Blog

Originally posted on the R Hub blog

JS and R, what a clickbait! Come for JS, stay for our posts about Solaris and WinBuilder. 😉 No matter how strongly you believe in JavaScript being the language of the future (see below), you might still gain from using it in your R practice, be it back-end or front-end.

In this blog post, Garrick Aden-Buie and I share a roundup of resources around JavaScript for R package developers.

JavaScript in your R package

Why and how you include JavaScript in your R package?

Bundling JavaScript code

JavaScript’s being so popular these days, you might want to bundle JavaScript code with your package. Bundling instead of porting (i.e. translating to R) JavaScript code might be a huge time gain and less error-prone (your port would be hard to keep up-to-date with the original JavaScript library).

The easiest way to interface JavaScript code from an R package is using the V8 package. From its docs, “A major advantage over the other foreign language interfaces is that V8 requires no compilers, external executables or other run-time dependencies. The entire engine is contained within a 6MB package (2MB zipped) and works on all major platforms.” V8 documentation includes a vignette on how to use JavaScript libraries with V8. Some examples of use include the js package, “A set of utilities for working with JavaScript syntax in R“; jsonld for working with, well, JSON-LD where LD means Linked Data; slugify (not on CRAN) for creating slugs out of strings.

For another approach, depending on a local NodeJS and Node Package Manager (NPM) installation, see Colin Fay’s blog post “How to Write an R Package Wrapping a NodeJS Module”. An interesting read about NPM and R, even if you end up going the easier V8 route.

JavaScript for your package documentation

Now, maybe you’re not using JavaScript in your R package at all, but you might want to use it to pimp up your documentation! Here are some examples for inspiration. Of course, they all only work for the HTML documentation, in a PDF you can’t be that creative.


The roxygenlabs package, that is an incubator for experimental roxygen features, includes a way to add JS themes to your documentation. With its default JS script, your examples gain a copy-paste button!

Noam Ross once described a way to include a searchable table in reference pages, with DT.

In writexl docs, the infamous Clippy makes an appearance. It triggers a tweet nearly once a week, which might be a way to check people are reading the docs?

For actual analytics in manual pages, it seems the unknown package found a trick by adding a script from statcounter.


In HTML vignettes, you can also use web dependencies. On a pkgdown website, you might encounter some incompatibilities between your, say, HTML widgets, and Boostrap (that powers pkgdown).

Web dependency management

HTML Dependencies

A third, and most common, way in which you as an R package developer might interact with JavaScript is to repackage web dependencies, such as JavaScript and CSS libraries, that enhance HTML documents and Shiny apps! For that, you’ll want to learn about the htmltools package, in particular for its htmlDependency() function.

As Hadley Wickham describes in the Managing JavaScript/CSS dependencies section of Mastering Shiny, an HTML dependency object describes a single JavaScript/CSS library, which often contains one or more JavaScript and/or CSS files and additional assets. As an R package author providing reusable web components for Shiny or R Markdown, in Hadley’s words, you “absolutely should be using HTML dependency objects rather than calling tags$link()tags$script()includeCSS(), or includeScript() directly.”


There are two main advantages to using htmltools::htmlDependency(). First, HTML dependencies can be included with HTML generated with htmltools, and htmltools will ensure that the dependencies are loaded only once per page, even if multiple components appear on a page. Second, if components from different packages depend on the same JavaScript or CSS library, htmltools can detect and resolve conflicts and load only the most recent version of the same dependency.

Here’s an example from the applause package. This package wraps applause-button, a zero-configuration button for adding applause/claps/kudos to web pages and blog posts. It was also created to demonstrate how to package a web component in an R package using htmltools. For a full walk through of the package development process, see the dev log in the package README.

html_dependency_applause <- function() {
    name = "applause-button",
    version = "3.3.2",
    package = "applause",
    src = c(
      file = "applause-button",
      href = ""
    script = "applause-button.js",
    stylesheet = "applause-button.css"

The HTML dependency for applause-button is provided in the html_dependency_applause() function. htmltools tracks all of the web dependencies being loaded into a document, and conflicts are determined by the name of the dependency where the highest version of a dependency will be loaded. For this reason, it’s important for package authors to use the package name as known on npm or GitHub and to ensure that the version is up to date.

Inside the R package source, the applause button dependencies are stored in inst/applause-button.

└── inst
    └── applause-button
          ├── applause-button.js
          └── applause-button.css

The packagesrc, and script or stylesheet arguments work together to locate the dependency’s resources: htmlDependency() finds the package‘s installation directory (i.e. inst/), then finds the directory specified by src, where the script (.js) and/or stylesheet (.css) files are located. The src argument can be a named vector or a single character of the directory in your package’s inst folder. If src is named, the file element indicates the directory in the inst folder, and the href element indicates the URL to the containing folder on a remote server, like a CDN.

To ship dependencies in your package, copy the dependencies into a sub-directory of inst in your package (but not inst/src or inst/lib, these are reserved directory names1). As long as the dependencies are a reasonable size2, it’s best to include the dependencies in your R package so that an internet connection isn’t strictly required. Users who want to explicitly use the version hosted at a CDN can use shiny::createWebDependency().

Finally, it’s important that the HTML dependency be provided by a function and not stored as a variable in your package namespace. This allows htmltools to correctly locate the dependency’s files once the package is installed on a user’s computer. By convention, the function providing the dependency object is typically prefixed with html_dependency_.

Using an HTML dependency

Functions that provide HTML dependencies like html_dependency_applause() aren’t typically called by package users. Instead, package authors provide UI functions that construct the HTML tags required for the component, and the HTML dependency is attached to this, generally by including the UI and the dependency together in an htmltools::tagList().

applause_button <- function(...) {

Note that package authors can and should attach HTML dependencies to any tags produced by package functions that require the web dependencies shipped by the package. This way, users don’t need to worry about having to manually attach dependencies and htmltools will ensure that the web dependency files are added only once to the output. This way, for instance, to include a button, using the applause package an user only needs to type in e.g. their Hugo blog post3 or Shiny app:


Some web dependencies only need to be included in the output document and don’t require any HTML tags. In these cases, the dependency can appear alone in the htmltools::tagList(), as in this example from xaringanExtra::use_webcam(). The names of these types of functions commonly include the use_ prefix.

use_webcam <- function(width = 200, height = 200, margin = "1em") {
    html_dependency_webcam(width, height)

JS and package robustness

How do you test JS code for your package, and how do you test your package that helps managing JS dependencies? We’ll simply offer some food for thought here. If you bundle or help bundling an existing JS library, be careful to choose dependencies as you would with R packages. Check the reputation and health of that library (is it tested?). If you are packaging your own JS code, also make sure you use best practice for JS development. 😉 Lastly, if you want to check how using your package works in a Shiny app, e.g. how does that applause button turn out, you might find interesting ideas in the book “Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps” by Colin Fay, Sébastien Rochette, Vincent Guyader and Cervan Girard, in particular the quote “instead of deliberately clicking on the application interface, you let a program do it for you”.

Learning and showing JavaScript from R

Now, what if you want to learn JavaScript? Besides the resources that one would recommend to any JS learner, there are interesting ones just for you as R user!

Learning materials

The resources for learning we found are mostly related to Shiny, but might be relevant anyway.

Literate JavaScript programming

As an R user, you might really appreciate literate R programming. You’re lucky, you can actually use JavaScript in R Markdown.

At a basic level, knitr includes a JavaScript chunk engine that writes the code in JavaScript chunks marked with ```{js} into a <script> tag in the HTML document. The JS code is then rendered in the browser when the reader opens the output document!

Now, what about executing JS code at compile time i.e. when knitting? For that the experimental bubble package provides a knitr engines that uses Node to run JavaScript chunks and insert the results in the rendered output.

The js4shiny package blends of the above approaches in html_document_js(), an R Markdown output for literate JavaScript programming. In this case, JavaScript chunks are run in the reader’s browser and console outputs and results are written into output chunks in the page, mimicking R Markdown’s R chunks.

Different problem, using JS libraries in Rmd documents

More as a side-note let us mention the htmlwidgets package for adding elements such as leaflet maps to your HTML documents and Shiny apps.


When learning a new language, using a playground is great. Did you know that the js4shiny package provides a JS playground you can use from RStudio? Less new things at once if you already use RStudio, so more confidence for learning!

And if you’d rather stick to the command line, bubble can launch a Node terminal where you can interactively run JavaScript, just like the R console.

R from JavaScript?

Before we jump to the conclusion, let us mention a few ways to go the other way round, calling R from JavaScript…

Shiny, “an R package that makes it easy to build interactive web apps straight from R.”, and the golemverse, a set of packages for developing Shiny apps as packages

OpenCPU is “An API for Embedded Scientific Computing” that can allow you to use JS and R together.

If you use the plumber R package to make a web API out of R code, you can then interact with that API from e.g. Node.

Colin Fay wrote an experimental Node package for calling R.


In this post we went over some resources useful to R package developers looking to use JavaScript code in the backend or docs of their packages, or to help others use JavaScript dependencies. Do not hesitate to share more links or experience in the comments below!

Thank you to our Speakers and Participants – COVID-19 Data Forum II

By Blog

The second COVID-19 Data Forum, co-sponsored by the Stanford Data Science Institute and the R Consortium, was held August 13, 2020. This series of forums brings together experts working to collect and curate data needed to drive scientific research and formulate effective public health responses to the pandemic.

The forum utilized Zoom as the video platform and allowed keynote speakers to present, as well as interact during a Q&A session.

The moderator was Sherri Rose, an associate professor at Stanford University in the Center for Health Policy and Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research and Co-Director of the Health Policy Data Science Lab. 

Speakers covered topics such as current issues facing researchers during the COVID-19 pandemic such as data sharing or research duplication, how phenotype impacts severity of cases, and data inequality for under-serviced communities. Speakers also answered questions from the moderator and the chat about their work and ways individuals can get involved at all R literacy levels.


See the COVID-19 Data Forum site to learn more about future Data Forum series virtual events!

We’ll be at R/Pharma – Oct 12-15, 2020

By Blog, Events

This fall, the R Consortium’s support for advancing data science in medicine continues with the third of three exceptional events, pulling together experts in their fields, including the Covid-19 Data Forum, R/Medicine, and R/Pharma.

What is R/Pharma?

R/Pharma is an ISC working group under the R Consortium. The entire event is a community-lead effort and 100% volunteer run. R/Pharma is vendor neutral and very much an academic conference. Harvard has been very helpful in hosting the event.

To find out more and how you can participate,

Join us at R/Medicine – Aug 27-29, 2020

By Blog, Events

August 27-29, 5:30am PDT / 8:30am EDT / 2:30pm CEST – Register now!

Brought to you by the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Yale School of Public Health, and the R Consortium, the R/Medicine conference encourages the adoption of statistical modeling and reproducible data processing in clinical practice.

R is the gold standard in reproducible research in academia and industry and has powerful capabilities to create highly-customizable interactive analytic dashboards, as well as predictive models that employ machine learning, deep learning, and artificial intelligence. 

Presentations will showcase how the R ecosystem is currently leveraged in medical applications including clinical trial design and analysis, personalized medicine, the development of machine learning models using  laboratory and patient record data, and reproducible research. 

Registration and more info:
