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The R Adoption Series

This is a series of webinars focused on the adoption of R.  Each session will include a case study and often include panels or discussions to enable those starting their journey to ask questions.

R Consortium will keep this page updated with information on future webinars in the R Adoption series. If there is some information that you are looking for specifically and you don’t see it here, feel free to email us at

Upcoming Webinars

Learn more: Tidy Finance Webinar Series

Archived Webinars – Full Recordings Available

Learn more: R/Medicine: Quarto for Reproducible Medical Manuscripts
Learn more: Tidy Finance and Accessing Financial Data
Learn more: Escape the Data Dungeon: Unlock Scalable R Analytics and ML
Learn more: From Vision to Action: The Pfizer R Center of Excellence-led journey to R Adoption
Learn more: R/Insurance Series:  For Everyone in Insurance or Actuarial Science

The R/Insurance Series is offered four webinars this January. The video recordings of the previous R/Insurance Series webinar, “From Excel to Programming in R,” “From programming in R to putting R into production,” and “R performance culture,” are now available at the link above.

Learn more: R/Medicine Webinar: Visualizing Survival Data with the {ggsurvfit} R Package
Learn more: R/Adoption Series: The Adoption of R in Japan’s Pharma Industry Confirmation

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Learn more: R/Adoption Series: R and shiny in regulatory submission
Learn More: R/Adoption Series: Learnings and Reflection from R Validation Case Studies

Juliane Manitz, Senior Expert Biostatistician at EMD Serono • Doug Kelkhoff,
Principal Data Scientist / Statistical Software Engineer at Roche • Uday Preetham Palukuru, Standards lead at Merck &Co. • Eric Milliman, Senior Principal Data Scientist at Biogen

Learn More: Teal: An R-Shiny Framework to Unlock the Power of Interactive Data Exploration

Chendi Liao, Principal Statistical Programmer Analyst, Roche Canada • Dony Unardi, Principal Data Scientist, Genentech

Learn More: R Adoption Series: Introducing the Software Engineering Working Group and {mmrm}

Ben Arancibia, Data Scientist – Senior Manager At GSK • Yoni Sidi, Director of Modeling and Simulation at Sage Therapeutics

Learn More: R/Database: Using R at Scale on Database Data

Mark Hornick, Senior Director, Oracle Machine Learning • Sherry LaMonica, Consulting MTS, Oracle Machine Learning

Learn More: Upskilling on Data Handling and Communication at Swiss Re

Claudio T. Rebelo, Model Validation Actuary for Group Risk Management at Swiss Re • Georgios Bakoloukas, Head Model Development & Analytics, Risk Management at Swiss Re • Daniela E. Damm, Divisional Operational Officer for Group Risk Management at Swiss Re

Learn More: Using Metadata for Speedy Delivery

Christina Fillmore, Data Scientists and R developer at GSK • Yujie Zhao is a Senior Scientist (Biostatistics) at Merck & Co., Inc. • Keaven Anderson, Scientific Assistant VP of Methodology Research in the Biostatistics and Clinical Research Decision Sciences group at Merck

Learn More: Using R in Regulatory Review

Hye Soo Cho, Statistical Analyst, FDA/CDER • Tae Hyun (Ryan) Jung, Ph.D., Senior Statistical Reviewer in FDA/CDER/OTS/OB/DBVI • Paul Schuette, Scientific Computing Coordinator, FDA • Ning Leng, Director, Product Development Data Sciences, Roche • Coline Zeballos, R Strategy Lead, Roche

Learn more: Speaking Different Languages

Michael Rimler, Head of Technical Excellence and Innovation at GlaxoSmithKline • Mike Stackhouse, Chief Innovation Officer at Atorus

Learn more: Table Creation in R

Gabriel Becker, Statistical Computing Consultant

Learn more: R Management at Roche

Kieran Martin, R Enablement Lead: PD Data Sciences at Roche Tadeusz Lewandowski, Pan-Pharma collaboration product lead at Roche Adrian Waddell, Chief Engineer NEST Project

Learn more: R Training Strategies at Janssen

Paulo R. Bargo, Ph.D., Head of R&D Data and Advanced Analytics, Ethicon Dan Hofstaedter is a statistical programmer within the Janssen Clinical & Statistical Programming group Gayathri Kolandaivelu has over 13 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry


Learn more: Scaling R at GSK

Andy Nicholls, Head of Data Science within GSK Biostatistics