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R/Pharma October 2020

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The R/Pharma virtual conference this year was held October 13-15th, 2020. R/Pharma focuses on the use of R in the development of pharmaceuticals, covering topics from reproducible research to drug discovery to genomics and beyond.

Over 1,000 people signed up for the 3 day, free event this year!

Designed to be a smaller conference with maximum interaction opportunities, R/Pharma was a free event that allowed keynote speakers in the R world to present their research and findings in ways that allowed for maximum viewer participation.

All presentations are given in ways that showcase using R as a primary tool within the development process for pharmaceuticals.

If you are interested in seeing some of the exciting work showcased at R/Pharma from the R Validation Hub, you can do so below. The R Validation Hub is a cross-industry initiative meant to enable use of R by the bio-pharmaceutical industry in a regulated setting. The presentations Implementing A Risk-based Approach to R Validation by Andy Nicholls and useR! 2020: A Risk-based Assessment for R Package Accuracy by Andy Nicholls and Juliane Manitz are available for viewing. Learn about risk assessment and assessing package accuracy with the R Validation Hub team! 

We’ll be at R/Pharma – Oct 12-15, 2020

By Blog, Events

This fall, the R Consortium’s support for advancing data science in medicine continues with the third of three exceptional events, pulling together experts in their fields, including the Covid-19 Data Forum, R/Medicine, and R/Pharma.

What is R/Pharma?

R/Pharma is an ISC working group under the R Consortium. The entire event is a community-lead effort and 100% volunteer run. R/Pharma is vendor neutral and very much an academic conference. Harvard has been very helpful in hosting the event.

To find out more and how you can participate,